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"Capture & Target your Audience" workshop

Allegra Jackson

Grab your seat ($55) *complimentary for AJCEO clients

This workshop teaches you how to find your ideal audiences and break them down in segments (customer avatars) so you understand their buying behaviors, focus on their ongoing wants & needs, and know how to Market those desired products/services to them directly.

Learn how to create Sales Funnels that captures the immediate attention of your Target audience and walk away with a strategic plan on how to Market to them from the start of the Sales Funnel (the Awareness phase) down to the Close of the Sale.

Grab your seat ($55) *complimentary for AJCEO clients

There are several stages people need to go through in order to reach the end of the sale and become loyal customers. Building a sales funnel can feel complicated if you don't know how to nurture, value, & engage with your audience. Discover how to drive traffic down each phase which includes:

  1. The Awareness phase

  2. The Discovery phase

  3. The Evaluation phase

  4. The Intent phase

  5. The Purchase phase

  6. The Loyalty phase

  7. The Re Evaluation phase


• Audio downloads of the Marketing impact series "How to Attract Customers/Clients & Keep Them."

• "Capture & Target your Audience" workbook & spreadsheets to follow along the workshop

• Permanent download of the workshop replay

 • Unlimited acess to a Complimentary Business & Marketing Toolbox resources.

• Unlimited access to the Business Mastery Membership Facebook group for ongoing Business Coaching & Marketing tips.

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