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“Content to CTA Conversion” workshop

Allegra Jackson

Grab your seat ($55) *complimentary for AJCEO clients

This workshop teaches you how to create Content Marketing strategy to attract customers, gathers information, and converts to your desired result. Learn what content marketing is, how to build a relationship with your audience with it, and where to find and utilize high quality!

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by giving them high-quality content that is very relevant to them on a consistent basis. When a customer buys from you, their loyalty already lies with you. They have already chosen you over all of your competitors.

Learn the 3 major categories where you can place your content marketing efforts: online, offline, and hybrids. Learn how to create content marketing in all 3 categories so you can model, tweak, and apply them to your own business.

Grab your seat ($55) *complimentary for AJCEO clients

Because content marketing platforms and methods can be so vast that the number of strategies can be overwhelming. In this workshop, we will:

  1. Discuss content that speaks to your audiences' pain points;

  2. Review the type of content needed to solve those pain points;

  3. Strategize the content to guide the buyer through the purchasing cycle.


• Audio download of the Marketing impact series "Organic Marketing Tips & Tricks."

• “Content to CTA Conversion” workbook & spreadsheets to follow along with the workshop.

• Permanent download of the workshop replay.

• Unlimited acess to a Complimentary Business & Marketing Toolbox resources.

• Unlimited access to the Business Mastery Membership Facebook group for ongoing Business Coaching & Marketing tips.

Grab your seat ($55) *complimentary for AJCEO clients

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